Goodby, My Elite Friend
When you bring a dog into your life, you know going into it that you'll most likely outlive them. Goodbyes are hard. They are even more...

What's Been Happening at Rosewood
Time just seems to fly and since the last blog post in 2018 (has it really been that long?) we’ve had lots of goings-on here at Rosewood....

Recap and the New Year
2017 was a year which saw many accomplishments for Rosewood, the most special of which was Seamus earning his NW3 title in first place, a...

Buns In The Oven
Annabelle has been bred and it’s a very exciting and busy time here in the Rosewood household. Lots of preparations to be made, supplies...

Happy Birthday, to our NEW CHAMPION!
A new champion has been named in the Rosewood family: CH Olde Ridge Rosewood’s Oh My Stars N Garters! JH CGC NW1 TRK1, who is otherwise...

My Old Puppy
You don't realize how fast puppies grow until they are grown. All the shoe-stealing, furniture chewing, ankle-biting and potty-training...